NextGen MedPros

Addressing Healthcare Workforce Shortages in Northern San Joaquin Valley

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The Challenge

The Northern San Joaquin Valley faces critical healthcare worker shortages across a wide range of healthcare occupations. Meanwhile, many students are unaware of the diversity of healthcare career options beyond becoming a nurse or doctor. Many of these roles are less costly and offer a shorter path to the workforce, removing barriers that disproportionately affect underserved communities.

Our Solution

HealthForce Partners along with Stanislaus Partners in Education (SPIE), and Modesto City Schools (MCS) are committed to bridging this gap by:

  • - Enhancing Career Technical Education (CTE) Pathways: We've invested heavily in healthcare CTE pathways to provide more career options and reach a broader range of students.
  • - Developing a Career Pathways Guide: Utilizing HFP's database, we track healthcare jobs and necessary qualifications, making career paths clearer and more accessible.

Youth Engagement

We are creating a healthcare careers pathways guide and website informed by a student advisory council. This diverse group of students will help design tools that shape their futures and those of their peers.

Strategic Listening and Involvement

By understanding what motivates and engages youth, we can better reach and inspire them. This approach ensures that students from all backgrounds have access to meaningful educational and career opportunities in healthcare.

Empowering Disadvantaged Students

Engaging socio-economically disadvantaged students helps us create effective communication tools and provide entry points into healthcare careers. We aim to reflect our communities in the healthcare workforce and encourage continued education from community college to four-year institutions.