Our programs prepare local high school students for entering the workforce and/or acceptance into community college and university programs. We also assist current healthcare workers with higher-level degrees that advance their careers. Tuition assistance are other forms of aid are available for most programs. Select your program of interest to learn more.
The HOPE Program for Nursing that puts current healthcare workers and high school students on a fast-track to earning nursing degrees.
Two of the fastest growing healthcare jobs are Certified Nursing Assistants and Medical Assistants, roles that are integral to both the efficiency of medical offices and the patient care experience. Learn how to become a CNA or MA, and what your career options might be from there.
Designed to create a pipeline to meet the urgent demand for behavioral healthcare, our program can help you advance your career or provide access to those entering the field.
This program aligns with our mission to alleviate healthcare worker shortages and enhance the well-being of our local community.
Not sure which program is the best fit for you?
Check out our resources including this publication that dives into requirements and job responsibilities for various health care occupations.